2021 skill sets

7 Key Skill Sets to Master in 2021

In Lifestyle, Mastery by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

2021 is just around the corner. I am sure many of us have already our eyes fixated into the new year and its opportunities. One thing that is for sure in my mind, is that what ever happened in 2020 will reshape our act and how we fundamentally operate in the world.

There are some serious advantages and key skill sets that will give us a competitive edge moving into the new year.

Here are Seven elements and Skills that I believe will play a major role in 2021!


According to the World Economic Forum, Creativity was a No.3 Skill to have in 2020. I would suspect it will keep its place or even move a notch higher in the ladder in 2021.

The ever-increasing complexity, speed of implementation and sheer volume of new inventions is pushing Creativity to its heights.

Saying that, we do not need to reinvent the wheel to stay in the game. I would highly encourage to be as authentic as possible which to me is the highest form of Creativity that there is, since there is only one masterpiece like you!

Being you, also lets you off the hook of having to please everyone and fit in the crowd. Once you Create from that space of pure and authentic you, Creativity comes out naturally!

I dare you to try this edge!


It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.

-Charles Darwin-

I used to Live in the Galapagos Islands, so I must add this quote. This is also an obvious continuation from creativity.

As our ability to adapt to new environments and circumstances might very well be the reason why we stand as Apex species on the planet today (with the superb intelligence differentiation to other species).

And when I personally talk about adaptation, I do not mean to blend in. Blending is more of a human-to-human level where we want to be accepted by others. Whereas adaptability is to do with the surrounding environment and its changes.

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” 

-George Bernard Shaw-

Energy and Focus Management

I have talked about this a lot before and I will write about this again, it is so important!

It is becoming a disappearing skill to know how to cultivate more energy and especially how to direct it to the most productive and meaningful actions.

So many of us go about our days oblivious where the energy leaks happen during the day. We end up being completely depleted by 3pm and not having the required energy to play with our children or be present with our partners in the end of the day.

Even with less amount of energy available, when we have a direct and sharp Focus, we can utilize our energy to its most efficient ways. Being Distracted less is one of the first MUST have barriers to set in this quest!


There is obviously a lot of talk about Leadership today and less about Self-leadership.

Moving into the new highly entrepreneurial world of 2021, to be able to lead yourself, work from home and stay on the course by yourself has taken a whole new role.

Being on your own home and its comfort it is easy to avoid the hard stuff to only keep doing what is meaningful to you. We obviously know where that leads into…

Self-Leadership is a skill set that needs to be cultivated moving into 2021.

I recently recorded a Lifestyle Mastery Podcast Episode about this idea with Carrie Bohlig from Tandem Consulting that you will find here!

Delayed Gratification

Living in a Social Media filled instant Gratification world this idea might seem very foreign at first yet makes perfect sense.

What I learned from Lisa Nicolls is “nothing good in Life comes out of the Microwave, instead of the Oven”. And once we understand this, we automatically understand the importance of the long game!

Moreover, moving the bigger and heavier chunks will always take time, energy and effort! Meaningful and deep results are not achieved by overnight sprints!

The good stuff takes time to marinate and age in those oak barrels in cold underground cellars (using the wine analogy here).

Play the Long-Game, Delay Gratification and enter the new level of Life Fulfillment!

Lifestyle Design

Coming out of 2020 with some of the key Life lessons. For me personally one of them is the even greater understanding that the Lifestyle we live, matters!

Even more than previously, as most of our movement and lifestyle have been restricted, what we have in our own little bubble called home is Fundamentally important!

For many Lifestyle design means Gucci shoes, fast cars and lavish travel plans.

To me a great Lifestyle is simply a clean and enriching environment with a surrounding Growth minded and active community.

I would highly recommend of becoming super Clear of what kind of Lifestyle needs you have and how to start moving closer to those goals in 2021!

Your future self will greatly thank you for it!

Ability to generate and stay in Momentum

Lastly, but definitely not “leastly”.

This was my single biggest lesson of the year of 2020. Opportunities were almost automatically coming to me once I made sure I kept myself in continuous forward Momentum!

Whenever I procrastinated, felt stagnant or otherwise fell off the Momentum wagons I realized it in raising levels of personal frustration.

Time to time we need to reach out for support or watch something motivational to get us moving forward, but mainly Momentum and its generation needs to be an internal skill set to have!

Those who master this skill will reap the benefits and enjoy increased amounts of opportunities coming to their way!

I shot a quick 47 Second video about this that you can watch here!

In short

2021 will be different than 2020, but not that drastically I believe. What separates you from the pack, if that is your intent, is to cultivate as many of these skill sets as possible and practice them often!

I know I have few of these in check whereas others need intentional daily attention!

It is time to get off the sidelines and start living the best version of you in 2021!

Let’s Do This!

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