High-Performance Principles

High-Performance Principles for Lifestyle Mastery

In Lifestyle, Mastery, Peak Performance by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

High-Performance, so often we think of the Top world-class athletes or Entrepreneurs who are hustling 80+hour workweeks.

The truth, or at least my own truth is far away from this as we all can be High-Performers in our own rights if we choose to start walking this path.

There are solid principles that are needed to Perform at our OWN highest levels though.

In this quick read, I am going to break down my 3 Principles for living this High-Performance Lifestyle.

I call this the High-Performance P.E.P. talk for short.


The first pillar is your ability to stay Present and Focused on the task at hand. Especially in today’s hyper-fast reality that is only getting faster by the day.

As we are getting out of the Pandemic slowly my best guess is that people will start to claim back the time they have “lost” being at home and want to capitalize on the new opportunities available.

Saying that the ones who can stay calm and on their own track by Focusing on being present will avoid the overwhelm and anxiety that is a very real threat.

Once the world speeds up, we must slow down. When the Complexity increases, we need to Simplify. Presence is Power and Focus gets you the results in the distracted world!

This came as an obvious and important factor in our clubhouse Club “High-Performance Mastery” that we started with Ela Staniak.

We would love to have you be part of our growing Club too.

Join here. (Apple devices only at this stage)

Rooms are going LIVE every Tuesday morning at 7 am GMT and Thursdays at 11 pm GMT!


Energy is the Raw material of High-Performance. Without sufficient amounts of it we just cannot perform at the levels we aim.

And when I talk about Energy I mean, Physical, Mental, Emotional, and even that deeper Spiritual Energy.

There are obviously multiple ways to ensure that our battery banks are fully charged up daily, yet I always come back to the Fundamentals and those daily habits.

Once we do the basics right, meaning your sleep, Movement, Hydration, and Nutrition we are 90%-95% there.

The current “Hack Culture” makes us believe that we must have the latest tools and gadgets that would allow us to perform better and that without them, we are not keeping up with the pace.

There is some truth to that in Elite levels and for the people who need to squeeze the last drops of the Lemon into their class.

For the everyday High-Performer, doing the fundamentals right will be a great super boost to their levels of Energy and Performance.


Hustle Vs. High-Performance.

As Fraser Cameron asked in our Lifestyle Mastery Podcast Episode (On Spotify):

“Are you working hard or doing the hard work”?

Doing the hard work consistently is a lot more productive than just working hard without a clear meaning and deep underlying Why for your actions.

We do not need to hustle, but we do need to have the ability to do the hard work. Consistency to our practice, self-accountability, and self-leadership are some of the other qualities of a High-Performer or the people who are striving to become one.

As Cliché as it sounds, we must place our attention and focus on the path instead of the goal and find meaning in the journey instead of the destination.

Because once we do, the Perseverance, doing the hard work, and occasional hustle becomes a lot easier to handle!

In short

A High-Performance lifestyle is not for everyone, but for those who step into the Field of Play, the rewards are worth the efforts.

As for myself, I thrive on challenges, opportunities for growth, and pushing my levels of Performance further.

As the saying goes,

“Higher the Resistance, higher the rewards”.

If this sparks an interest in you, I would like to invite you to get in contact with me to see how I can support you in your efforts to make High-Performance a part of your sustainable lifestyle!

Schedule a complimentary 30min” Meet and Greet” consultation with me here.

ps. I also wrote about Performance related topics here and here.

All Green Lights,


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