The power of Patience

The Power of Patience

In Lifestyle, Purpose by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

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If there was one Performance Principle that most if not all the High Achievers have mastered or need to master, it would be Patience

Our ability to Delay Gratification, embrace the initial resistance, and the fact that anything worthwhile doing requires us to be patient.

Know the truth and the reality that Big Goals and Dreams take time to manifest themselves.

As you might have heard,

We often overestimate what we can achieve in one year, and underestimate what we can accomplish in ten years.

Patience and the skill of delayed Gratification are the definite difference makers between average and World Class performers.

When it comes to our daily behavior this surely applies too.

The Bad habits have an Instant hit of Gratification and Pleasure coupled with a Delayed Reality Response.

Think of smoking, eating unhealthy food-like products that have nothing to do with our nutritional needs, or 24/7 Entertainment opportunities.

Bad habits give you an Instant hit of Dopamine and other pleasure hormones.

As you take that first puff from the cigarette or bite your teeth into those highly processed sugary donuts, your body gets flooded with an Instant hit of Gratification.

Whereas with the Good Habits you often encounter Instant Resistance and are having to “Embrace the Rain” before the results in a manner of Delayed Gratification.

“Embrace the Rain “

Now, it does not have to necessarily Suck every time when thinking of doing something that has a positive outcome. Very often though, especially in the building face of positive habits, this is the case.

Think of wanting to go to the Gym, eating healthy Foods like Green Leafy Vegetables, or waking up at 5 am. They all have the starting period that we can label as “Embrace the Rain “.

The power and the beauty of this game though lie in the Consistent daily implementation. To train our brain & nervous system to learn the new #Lifestyle that we want to implement.

Once we are able to turn this period of temporary downpour into a positive feedback loop that fires and wires on its own, we have developed it into a powerful and positive habit.

Scientists call this a “Point of Automaticity“.

A fancy name for the fact that the habit has become easier to do than Not to do. You have made your nervous system your best ally. 😉

I’ll give you an example of my Meditation habit. I had to train my brain & body to meditate each morning for over 60 Days before it became automatic. By no means, those days were easy or produced any significant amount of Gratification.

Yet now I’m able to be in a state that, If I miss a day or two, the little cushion in our quiet space of the house has this pull that almost forces me to meditate.

And I also genuinely enjoy this short and extremely beneficial time with me, my thoughts, and about 20 min of Time.

The very same factor I have with Movement and exercise. As a matter of fact, this healthy Lifestyle is a big part of my Identity and Who I am.

Patience In Short

The fact is that when we start anything new, we are just not very good at it. So, we must develop Patience and the ability to delay the sense of gratification. We must allow ourselves to watch the paint to dry and the grass to grow.

If you can avoid the rain, Great! It is just that often we get wet when building positive Outcomes and pursuing goals with #Passion.

To produce real long-term results in the world takes time.

Embrace the Rain, Delay the Gratification, and use the Power of Patience to your advantage in Life and Business.

Where in your own personal or professional life do you need to Embrace the rain more and use the power of Delayed Gratification?

It’s time to start building those positive habits that will deliver and benefit your long-term success.

Is it building healthy eating habits, possibly your ability to have tough conversations with your loved ones or colleagues at work? Or is it getting off social media and writing content that people can actually benefit from?

At the end of the day, most people who we see being Successful, had to at some point use the Power of patience to be able to be where they are today.

You Do the Same!

PS. To find out more on How I can support you to cultivate more patience through Coaching, Go HERE

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