Perseverance: 3 Ways to Build it Today

In Lifestyle, Purpose, Resiliency by Tuomo VauhkonenLeave a Comment

“|Perseverance is nothing but a byproduct of our daily behavior and Resilience to pursue despite the challenges and inevitable setbacks we face “.

Ultimately the real long-term results and fulfillment come from the work done in the shadows of all the spotlights and fame. It is in everyday efforts that those outcomes are achieved, not in some one-time heroic home run.

Consistency requires dedicated daily efforts coupled with a focused mind and body to produce it.

There are some actions and fundamental Principles that build this muscle of Perseverance better than others.

Here are some of my favorite ones that WILL build more of that robust and long-lasting ability to persevere and pursue our goals and dreams.

When you Persevere Matters

On the days when the sun is out and the weather is sweet, showing up is easy. How about when no one is watching, no fame nor spotlights are on you? It is cold and miserable, who shows up then…?

Those are the times that build your Resilience and Perseverance 1000x compared to sunny days.

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Many or most of us will drop out when the going gets tough or more is required. Don’t be one of them and show up on the field when no one is around. Nothing is expected from you, nor is anyone watching.

Accountability, #Coaching, and sticking to your calendar are all great ways to make sure you show up. Yet most of the days and most of the time those are just nice added bonuses…

What truly matters is that we win the battle that is mostly internal, and our only opponent is us.

Master your Mundane

Nobody loves the daily Grind, or I’m yet to come across anyone who can wholeheartedly say that.

If, and I believe you are playing the long game, then your Mission critical is to “Master the Mundane “.

Those seemingly insignificant actions ultimately are the needle movers and earth-shakers that get you where you want to go and contribute to what you are here to do.

The pursuit of Mastery is not meant to be easy every day. Teach yourself to fall in love, or at least to somewhat like the pain over pleasure. Delayed fulfillment over that instant gratification that most people are prey to.

When we adopt the Mindset of a long-term performer and achiever of greatness, we also learn that Mastery has no finish line.

Like the Founder of Judo, Mr. Kano Jigoro, asked his students to bury him with his white belt instead of black. Whether the story is true or not does not make a difference, but the idea that you adopt this identity of a child-like learner who plays the long game is paramount.

Purpose > Goals

Those minute and mundane acts of service are deposits that we make daily towards something larger than ourselves. Having a deep sense of Purpose is what matters much more than our Goals or sensory desires.

Staying Connected to our Purpose and having the Perseverance to pursue it is what keeps us on track when the goals are too far or lose interest.

This happened to me personally just a few days prior to the achievement of a big goal. The meaning of the actual outcome started to lose its significance. Had I not had this bigger Purpose underneath, I believe my Performance would have suffered.

This deeper #Purpose is what carries us forward through thick and thin.

Do make your Goals, Dreams, and desires as big as you can, yet make sure the Purpose and Meaning of those achievements are still so much larger than the Goals themselves.

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I will invite you to develop a Purpose and a mighty Mission that allows you to serve others while we roam here on this little planet in our limited time.

In Short

Perseverance and our ability to Play the Long game are what’s missing in today’s fast-paced life.

The best things in life (and food for that matter) come out of the oven, not from a microwave.

Lisa Nicols

Persevere, pursue your Passions, and stay connected to your Purpose.

Because those are the things that will ultimately bring the deepest Joy & Fulfillment. And that is the End Game I want to play every day!

When you are ready to explore these insights and develop Perseverance, go ahead and book a call with me Here.


PS. Thanks for reading till the end!

If you found value in this article, please do me a favor, and send this to someone who needs to read it Today. That way everybody Wins! 😉


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